About us

Maggie Garland...

Maggie Gerland...comes from New York. She has a BS in Biology and originally came to Germany to write handbooks for databases for FIZ Karlsruhe. After moving to the Hannover area, she began teaching English and has over 16 years of experience in adult education. Since 2000 Maggie has been teaching English full time in banks, telecoms and energy providers and other businesses from Hannover to Hamburg.

Ingrid Stöckl...

Ingrid Stöckl...is a German, who spent 21 years in the USA. As a native speaker, she taught English as a second language there for 4 years as well as German to English speakers. She came to the Hannover area 20 years ago and has been teaching since then. She has experience teaching in banking, the telecommunication business and more technically oriented companies.

Our core staff is supported by professional free lance staff